In our capacity as a leading resource organisation empowering grassroots leaders through collaborative knowledge creation, CORO organised a workshop to bring together other experts in this approach across the academic, cultural, development and corporate fields. With partnership from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS,) Trans4m, and Theatre of Transformation as well as with support from the Edelgive Foundation, CORO held the workshop at the TISS, Mumbai campus on February 26th and 27th, 2018. A transformative and participatory experience itself, the workshop represented the first step to create an ecosystem of allies and grassroots agents across India who are pioneering people’s right to collective knowledge building.

The workshop brought together over 80 participants from across the academic, social, and cultural sectors, to investigate participatory, community-led knowledge production that flips the script on exclusive, hierarchical forms of institution-led research. The workshop was enriched by key resource persons Sujata Khandekar (CORO,) Prof. Lakshmi Lingam (TISS,) Prof. Alexander Schieffer (Trans4m, Geneva,) Dr. Rama Mani (Theatre for Transformation Academy) as well as our partners at PUKAR and Centre for Development Practice at Ambedkar University Delhi. The two days featured 18 presentations across 5 sessions, participatory activities, and a theatrical performance by CORO’s women leaders.

For more on the background of the workshop, see the concept note. For the details of the days’ events, see the workshop schedule. Video recordings of both days’ proceedings can be found here. The PDF version of the event report can be downloaded from the ‘Event Report’ button above.
